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Why Model Room Staging is Essential in the Senior Living Industry

Imagine making one of the hardest moves of your life and not being able to envision yourself in the space you'll be living. It sounds scary, intimidating and surely makes people feel like they don't know what they're getting themselves into. Model room staging for Seniors will eliminate this fear and instead make a community feel comfortable, prepared, and welcoming.

Staging a model room for senior living is just one of Alkemis Design’s services and we make sure to go the extra mile. In fact, 80% of the communities staged by Alkemis Design report 100% occupancy rates with waiting lists!

Staging a senior living bedroom for the Manassas project

How does model room staging drive such results? We’ll explain the importance below..

Senior Moving is SCARY!

Moving to a senior living community can be a challenging transition for many seniors. They may feel uncertain about leaving their familiar surroundings and anxious about adjusting to a new living space.

That's why room staging, or the process of setting up a living space to look appealing and welcoming, is essential in the senior living industry.

It can be difficult for seniors to imagine what their new home will look like and how they will decorate it. By setting up a living space that is warm and welcoming, seniors can better picture themselves living there and may be more likely to make the transition.

Senior living staging for Avondale project

Senior living renovation for English Meadows

Family Matters

Additionally, room staging can provide a sense of comfort and security for family members who are involved in the decision-making process. A staged living space shows that the community cares about the well-being of its residents and goes the extra mile to create an inviting atmosphere.

Tangible Benefits You Can See From Senior Living Room Staging

Not only does staging help seniors feel more comfortable and at ease, but it also has tangible benefits for the community overall. In the senior living industry, a staged living space can help attract more prospective residents and increase occupancy rates.

In fact, senior living communities that invest in staging report occupancy rates that are significantly higher than those that don't. Studies show that staged properties sell 88% faster and for up to 20% more than those that aren’t.

Senior living staging for Manassas project

Let’s Get Staging!

As seniors and their families consider a move to a senior living community, room staging can provide the reassurance they need to make the move and start the next chapter of their lives with confidence.

Check out our Services tab on our website to learn more and feel free to shoot us a message through the Work With Us tab to chat with our lead designers, Marne and Patti.

From Masterplan to Masterpiece - We do it all.

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